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65 Oakwood Road, Bricket Wood, St. Albans, AL2 3QB

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65 Oakwood Road, Bricket Wood, St. Albans, AL2 3QB

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Removal of common skin lesions by GP with over 20 years experience in Minor Surgery.

Thinking about having a lump or bump on skin removed?

Book for a free initial no obligation consultation at reception or email


Dr Thenuwara is a practicing GP and qualified from
St Georges Medical school in 1998.

He has a keen interest in dermatology and completed his Postgraduate Certificate in Dermatology in 2004 and has been performing minor surgery ever since.

Unfortunately, many of these lesions can no longer be removed on the NHS.

GMC Registration 4535799


Initial free no obligation consultation-Assessment of skin lesion to establish diagnosis.

If cancerous – a letter to your GP outlining concern. Establish diagnosis, exclude no complications to removal and explanation of procedure. Patient then decides whether to go ahead.


All prices include any follow up or complications

Electrosurgery for removal of skin tags
-1-6 tags
-7-12 tags
Excision for removal of skin lesion
Cyst excision surgery requiring stitches

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Bricketwood - Logo

65 Oakwood Road, Bricket Wood, St. Albans, AL2 3QB

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